Stat-Ease Blog


2019 Analytics Solutions Conference Wrap Up

posted by Greg on July 12, 2019

We recently wrapped up the 2019 Analytics Solutions Conference in Minneapolis, MN. This was the first time we organized a US conference on analytics with our Norwegian partners, Camo Analytics. It could not have gone better! A BIG congratulations on a job well done to Shari Kraber who spearheaded the organization of this conference.

The goal of the conference was to help attendees transform their business, from R&D to production, using data-driven tools. If I may toot our own horn here, we did that. There was a lot of information to digest at this meeting, but the camaraderie of attendees made it easy. We overheard many conversations in the halls between attendees about what they just learned or discussing potential solutions to business problems they were facing.

The conference started with a short course day. Two all day seminars were conducted in parallel, one titled “Practical DOE: ‘Tricks of the Trade’” and the other “Realizing Industry 4.0 through Industrial Analytics”. We saw a lot of people experienced with design of experiments (DOE) go to the Industry 4.0 course and a lot of the analytics pros headed to learn about DOE. What a great way to start!

Day one wrapped up with an opening reception for all attendees and speakers, fostering networking and building relationships.

The conference days were filled with session talks that wrapped around keynote presentations (a fantastic trio of speakers, find out more at the link below). The result was a great mix of academic-style overviews with down-to-earth, real-world case studies. It struck a perfect balance.


If you couldn’t make it to the conference, details on each presentation (including pdf’s of the presentations), are posted on the ASC speakers page.

To add some fun to the mix, the evening’s social event was a dinner cruise on the Mississippi River for all attendees. It was quite the treat, especially to those of us who live here! We rarely take the opportunity to enjoy activities like this in our own backyard. We traveled thru a lock, spotted a bald eagle in the trees, and enjoyed the casual atmosphere.


The next Stat-Ease hosted conference will be our 8th European DOE Users Conference. This year it will be held in Groningen, Netherlands from June 17-19. We hope to see you there!

If you would like to be kept in the loop about the conference, sign up for our mailing list. We will be sending out information regarding a call for speakers and registration later in the fall. Sign up now, before you forget!

See you in Groningen!

Mixture Design of Experiments (DOE) to the Rescue!

posted by Greg on Feb. 7, 2019

So, you formulate products. Yes, you, in the industry of making beverages, chemicals, cosmetics, concrete, food, flavorings, metal alloys, pharmaceuticals, paints, plastics, paper, rubber, and so forth.

You also need to optimize that formulation—quickly. Mixture design of experiments (DOE) to the rescue! “Wait, what?” you ask.

When creating a formulation, you can use mixture DOE to model the blend in the form of a mathematical equation. It also allows you to show the effect each component has on the measured responses, both by itself and in combination with the other components.

This model then leads you to the optimal composition, or “sweet spot”, based on your desired outcome. And mixture design does this fast.

"Yeah, OK," you say. "It's going to take me months to learn how to do that. So, no thanks."

We have software that will do it for you, and a 3-day workshop that shows you how to use it. Not months, 3 days. We get it. You're not a statistician, you don't have the time to learn all the ins and outs of the theory. You just need to get to the information. We'll help you get there.

Ready to know more? Good! Download this white paper that illustrates how mixture design works and how Design-Expert® software will help you.

Ready to know even more? Head over to our Mixture Design workshop webpage and register now. This hands-on workshop will show you how Design-Expert® software can be used to design and analyze mixture experiments. The software provides the power for the generation of optimal designs, as well as sophisticated graphical outputs such as trace plots. You will learn how these methods work and what to look for. No statistical background needed!

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, email us at

Two World-Class Speakers Confirmed for the 2019 Analytics Solutions Conference Keynotes

posted by Greg on Jan. 14, 2019


Two globally-recognized speakers are committed to keynote the 2019 Analytics Solutions Conference. This premier conference on the applications of industrial analytics, featuring DOE, MVA, and PAT, is being held in Minneapolis, MN June 18-20. The speakers are:

  • Dr. Geoff Vining is an acclaimed statistics researcher, internationally known for his expertise in the use of experimental design for quality, productivity, and reliability improvement and in the application of statistical process control. Geoff will present his views on "Solving Complex Problems".
  • Dr. R. Dennis Cook is known worldwide for his pioneering work on linear and nonlinear regression, experimental design and statistical graphics, but best known as the inventor of the Cook's distance statistic that plays a prominent role in model diagnostics. Dennis will provide "A Primer on Partial Least Squares Regression".

For more information on these talks, head to the ASC 2019 Speakers Page

Would you like to speak? Submit an abstract! All the details can be found on the 2019 Analytics Solutions Conference webpage.

2019 Analytics Solutions Conference Announcement

posted by Greg on Dec. 26, 2018

Discover how data-driven tools can transform your business from R&D to production

Stat-Ease and Camo Analytics are partnering together to host the premier conference on the practical applications of industrial analytics. Topics feature industrial analytics methods; in particular design of experiments (DOE), multivariate analysis (MVA) and process analytical technology (PAT).

The 2019 Analytics Solutions Conference is the perfect venue to discover how others are using these statistical tools to dramatically impact the bottom line. It's a great place to make connections and get inspired. Industries include, but are not limited to: pharmaceutical, medical device, electronics, food science, oil and gas, chemical processes, and aerospace.

It will be held June 18-20 near the Stat-Ease headquarters in Minneapolis, MN — a great time to visit Minnesota. The conference will include workshops, keynote speakers, and fun evening events.

If you have a success story that can be shared, please submit an abstract by February 15. All the details can be found on the Call for Speakers page.

We hope to see you here this coming year!

Great Times at the 7th European DOE User Meeting in Paris, France!

posted by Heidi on July 7, 2018


Stat-Ease, Inc. and Ritme, scientific solutions hosted the 7th European DOE User Meeting & Workshop in Paris, France this past June. The DOE User Meeting was held at Le CNAM (the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) in the heart of Paris, close to the Louvre and Notre Dame. All agreed that this bi-annual event proved to be both informative and fun! The dinner cruise on the Seine was a highlight of the conference for all with gorgeous views of Paris landmarks and absolutely perfect weather. Vive la France!


