Simplex Lattice Design

This mixture design can be used for 2 to 30 components. Simplex implies that all component ranges are equal. Lattice is the method by which points are chosen. The lattice is built from all permutations where,

the component proportions can take the value of i/q; where i = 0,1,..,q and q is the degree of the design. This creates a grid layout for the design points.

For a degree 2 design with three components the possible combinations include (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1/2, 1/2, 0), (1/2, 0, 1/2), (0,1/2, 1/2).

Mixture Components: How many components are involved in this experiment?


Fillers may be components too unless their proportion of the mixture is held constant.

Total: The sum of all the components must equal the total for all runs.

Units: (optional) All components must use the same units of measurement. .


Common units of measure include but are not limited to direct amounts (mass or volume), weight %, % volume by weight, and molecular equivalents.

Name: Provide names for the components to help with later documentation

Low: The lowest value a component can take (often zero).

High: The highest value a component can take (no larger than the Total)

Edit Constraints button: Click this button to impose additional constraints on component combinations allowed. For more details use the help button on the Edit Constraints dialog.

Adding a constraint will generally make the design non-simplex and force the experimenter to use an optimal design instead.